

The Provincial Data Lab has been established to extract the most value from health system data. It includes a provincial data repository and a secure, virtual environment that allows data users to interact with health data and information in new ways, while mitigating the risks associated with data disclosure.


Researchers: Researchers, and others requiring access to record-level data including for artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML),are able to access health data following review and approval through the Secondary Use Review and Approval process and the establishment of a data sharing agreement. The Provincial Data Lab provides a secure, closed environment where researchers will be provided access to data sets and analytical tools based on access approval. Researchers will be able to bring approved data sets into the environment for linkage to provincial health data.

Health System Managers/Decision-Makers: The Provincial Data Lab enables access to information for health system stakeholders such as program managers in the regional health authorities and government decision-makers. Information reports can be developed using data in the Provincial Data Lab by NLCHI analysts and shared with those who require it. Access to interactive dashboards can also be enabled with a visual display of information and drill-down capability. Self-serve data access is also a planned capability of the Provincial Data Lab, enabling more immediate access to data and analysis directly by those who require the information, while ensuring the data is made available in a way that promotes appropriate use.

Application Developers/Innovators: A future Provincial Data Lab service will enable access to approved data by application developers and innovators to create products that are of value to the health system and/or with market potential.

If you’re interested in accessing NL health data or information, click here to get started.